The Baptist Men's first breakfast for over a year, since Covid first shut down the state in March of 2020. Terry Parker talked about the Canton building project.
From September 13 to 17, a group of our Baptist Men traveled to Canton in the NC mountains to help repair a house severely damaged in the flooding on August 17.
Our speaker this year was Susan Stem, a school nurse with Johnston County Public Schools, foster mom since 2012, and creator of REACH, a mentoring ministry for youth in Johnston County Foster Care as well as surrounding counties. Hear her testimony below. There are one hundred children, on average, in foster care in Johnston County. There are not enough foster families for them so the majority end up in foster care centers. You can find more information about the REACH ministry here. Thank you so much to Laura Rogers and Brenda Barnes for organizing this, and for the women from FBC Four Oaks who supported this vital ministry on Saturday, Sep 11. James 1:27: Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. |
If you have a story to submit, please email pictures and event to
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